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is this what friendship is about?


i have no idea what i want to write here now but i want to update this.

today was the coolest day i've had in ages. i needed something to get me through the week, to look forward to. so i asked annette whether she wanted to go shopping with me today because i needed a present for my mum. so i picked her up and we drove all the way to oberhausen, spent some time shopping there and looking at really crazy things (i can't belive there are people who actually spend money on some of the things we've seen today), i ended up not buying my mum a present but some other stuff and then we went to burger king to have dinner. it was all very nice because i like being around annette. i feel very light-hearted around her because we have this kind of 'superficial' friendship, meaning we can talk about pointless things for hours without feeling there's anything missing. i enjoy it because it's so easy. i guess i could probably talk about deeper stuff with her, too, but why would i? things with maja and mariam (who has a new diary btw) often get so complicated that this kind of simplicity makes a really nice change for me.

oh oh oh, i know you don't care and you won't know what i'm talking about but whoooo, pussybox have their first album out. this is so cool. i've liked them for ages. about three years ago or so they released their first EP 'real love' and they also won some newcomer awards and stuff and now they've finally released an album. i couldn't believe it when i saw the review in the new issue of visions today. i think i'll surf over to the amazon site and see if i can order it there as soon as i finish this entry.

i'm in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. am i going to my aunt's birthday with my mum and grandpa on sunday or am i staying in? on the one hand i think i should go because i know they say it'll be ok if i don't but they don't mean it. if i stay here all hell will break lose. but on the other hand...terremoto's next weekend and sascha's coming around tomorrow so sunday will be my only day to relax for quite some time. and who cares about her birthday anyway? it's usually boring anyway. she married my uncle a few years ago so i don't even know if she's really my aunt or is she only if she was already with him when i was born? i don't know but anyway...because of this she has loads of family members i've hardly ever met and they'll be there and it's always quite awkward because they stare at you and you stare at them but there's nothing anyone could say so the atmosphere shifts from a weird silence to a low-voice chatter between the family members who've known each other before anyway and back to silence. and inbetween, the elderly people always try to make a bit of a connection by asking clich�-stuff like "so, how's school?" or something like that.
yeah, i guess i just decided to stay home...

pussybox - real love

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