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i'm terrified. on my way home today i had an accident. well, a guy bumped into my car. with his car that is. i couldn't see any scratches or anything and he suggested we should just move on and forget about it. i accepted because i was so tired and nervous and we were standing in the middle of the street. i know it was stupid. we should have called the police or at least exchange numbers. but i was so scared that they'd blame me because my CDs and my player were all over the passenger seat. i wasn't even fiddling around with them when it happened. they were just there because...well, i always have my CDs next to me when i'm driving. i got just a bit confused with about a million different lights and then i finally found out which ones were for me and they were yellow and since i expected them to turn red, i kicked my brakes. i even looked into the rear mirror to check whether the guy behind me would be able to brake, too and it looked like he was fairly far away so i think it must have been his fault but still...i was scared.
i think i'm save as there really doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my car. and after all, i remember his license plate's number. but what if something's wrong with his car?
and i haven't even told my mom, yet. i don't think i'm going to. but if he really calls (and if he does, he will call her because technically it's her car and he can only get her details), i'm in trouble. even more than if i tell her now. ack, i just don't know...

actually, this is typically me again. i was having such a nice day. ok, it started crap with me being the grumpiest bitch ever and actually getting in an argument with my mom before she even got up. and when i got to work, my boss had managed to start a new flood. of coffee that is. he hadn't put the filter-holder-thingie over the can properly, so it was pouring all over the place. yuck. but i thought it was quite funny. and i was even a little busy the whole day, which kind of made me think that they've finally started to think i am clever and responsible enough to do some work. yay. and i had a really cool business phone call for the first time. usually, i just stutter out some excuses and try to hang up as quickly as possible but this time it was all good. and during my break i went to the train station and got a magazine and it had AFI in it. and my boss actually joked around with me a bit which rocked. i always thought he didn't like me cos he seemed all grumpy with me while he was always joking around with the others. but today he was cool and i even replied with a witty remark. go me!
and tomorrow is thursday and after that i have a day off (bank holiday) and then it's weekend and annette and i are going to that fame academy show. and tomorrow i'll go to toys 'r' us and on saturday, i'll go shopping again. yay.

ok, enough of the coolness. i've cheered myself up now. i'll just go and watch the simpsons and then take a shower to get all clean and neat again and theeeeen i'll watch my daily AFI videos and play some sims and then it's off to bed. yay.

the calling - stigmatized

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