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the biggest show in the world


*stumbles in choking on drink* my goodness. the AFI tribute is really really really the worst case scenario of what people could do out of love for a band. *screams in agony* i knew it would be bad but...i don't even have words for what it's really like. *sits here giggling* what's wrong with those people? why can't they even pronounce the words correctly? and why do they keep leaving words out? is this some sort of insider joke i didn't get?

so...i went to see marilyn manson yesterday. first of all...how fucking crap is peaches? is she even serious? or is a joke? or what is she doing up there? why is she taking her clothes on and off? and is whatever noises she's producing even called "music"?
i pretty much pity myself for having to sit through her..."show". basically everyone there totally hated her. i've never seen that much junk being thrown on stage before. she even got hit by several plastic cups and stuff. and she ended up being really pissed about it, cursing and screaming at the audience. well, she could have just left the bloody stage since there was absolutely no point in it all. i guess if the whole audience hates you, it's time to realise that you should better stop the show. but hey, i survived.

manson's show was more than a little impressive. i couldn't help but feel that i had just witnessed the biggest show in the world. in a way, this can also be seen as a bad sign. after all, manson shouldn't forget that in the first place he's a rockstar. but there were points during the show where i really didn't feel like i was at a rockshow. nevertheless, it was a pretty good show. i love the whole stageshow during "mobscene". i was even quite surprised cos i knew so many songs. he didn't perform much of the really old stuff which i'm not too fond of, anyway.
what really impressed me, though, was the huge feedback he got from the crowd. i've never seen a crowd that was *that* devoted to someone. it almost seemed like...dunno...like he was some sort of god for them. which i'm sure he is in one way or another. but it felt like every little thing he did on stage got a certain reaction from the crowd and...like..everyone knew it had to be this way, you know?! yes, i know, i'm not making sense but it's hard to explain. i guess you would have to be there. even if you did understand, you probably wouldn't believe it, anyway. it totally blew my mind. but at the same time i found it quite pathetic seeing as those people were really more than devoted and they all looked the same and when you overheard their conversations for a bit they also seemed to have the same opinions about everything. and since one big point of marilyn manson is or used to be being against organised religions this seemed a little pathetic and out of place.
right, i'll shut up about that now.
oh, one last thing...oral sex on stage is yay! *sheepish grin*

other than that i am having one of *those* nights again. nothing feels right, people annoy me and i don't know what's wrong. i haven't done anything all day though there was so much i had planned like studying, wash some clothes, take a looong shower...nothing. i've just been sitting here all day. the most productive thing i did today was joining the motrocity community over at motor.de and moving in on the AFI floor. hooray! don't i rock? for those who care (germans i suppose): i live at flat 84 and my name's miss whatever. come and visit me and my little piggy ignatz. i promise he won't piss on your leg or something.

ah well...i shall just go and drown in self-pity now.

ps: whoo, it's jade's bday today. happy birthday, ninja!

placebo - my sweet prince

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