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all hail uncle jesse!


dear person who was looking for "sex in the city" on altavista,

it is sex AND the city. if you type that into a PROPER search engine (altavista sucks!), i'm sure it will come up with a lot more useful stuff.

good luck with your search.

yes, i'm really glad when i can be of assistance. oh yeah, before i forget:

dear people who were looking for "ethiopia sex" and "grandpa sex" when they found my site,


yours sincerely,

that had to be said, i'm sorry.

in other news, i'm wearing pink eyeshadow today. i totally look like that south park pic i once made of myself. except i'm not wearing an AFI shirt. i should, though. just to complete the clich�.

also, i am now madly in love with john stamos. just look at him! he's perfect. sexy uncle jesse. today, he was wearing a black/pink shirt on full house. could it get any better? well, yes, it could but he's totally my new hero. uncle jesse for president, i say! i would do him.

and another thing that's new with me is my vow to myself to get a huge fridge with an ice cruncher and a tv. aren't they totally awesome? you can watch tv while getting a drink out of the fridge and STILL watch while you're getting ice for your drink. i was standing in front of one of those at mediamarkt tonight. i just stood there with my mouth open. that would be...perfect. almost as good as my original plan of putting a loo in front of a computer/tv desk so i will never have to get up again. it's only less work and less people will give you strange looks because fridges with a tv and an ice cruncher aren't THAT uncommon. it was also on special offer. only 980�. i could buy it and keep it in my room. i'd have to throw the bed out, though. but beds are overrated anyway, as is sleep.

i feel like writing a little disclaimer here now: no, i am not drunk. no, not high, either. well, high on love and happiness maybe. wait, i haven't received any love from anyone in ages. ah, whatever.

i'm bored. like, really bored. my sims had twins today. i've been waiting for that to happen ever since i got the game. and now it's kind of an anti-climax because the situation for it is just not good. it's that really old couple (they actually retired on the same day they had the babies, haha) and i only wanted them to poop out another baby to have another boost for the population in my neighbourhood as i started a new one and there's only one family living there so far. and now they had twins, i built them a bigger house and did a crap job (poo me!) and i'm bored with it because i get bored with old retired sims anyway. and they're oldest son is a teen and can't move out, yet. so i don't want to play that anymore. i want that sons of egypt game. and emergency 3. and some beat 'em up game. they showed dead or alive on giga yesterday. i want that. i also want to play anno 1503 again but can't find the disk. phooey!

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