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a totally positive entry


i was bored today and took this little quiz thingy and this came out:

Whoo! You must read up on Davey a lot because you got 100 freaking percent! Actually, you probably just got majority of the answers correct, but damn good for you!

how embarrassing. it had even questions that i never knew i could answer. i have too much time on my hands to spend researching on things like this. and it's not like anyone would ever make an effort to help me find some better things to waste my time with.

for example today...i desperately wanted to go see 'pirates of the carribean' and what happens? none of my friends have time and my mum, who ended up promising she'd go with me, just sleeps the whole day and then gets up behaving like nothing happened. she even asked me whether i wanted to order some food. the cunt. yeah, right...help me losing weight, thank you very much. true true...i moved sooooo much today i definitely need tons of food. gawd, i hate today. but i hate everything anyway.

yesterday, this cunt of a co-worker (cunt is a nice word, eh?) told me i should be more POSITIVE!!! what a stupid bitch. am i a fucking hippy? she comes up to me and tells me we need to take photos for the bloody project AGAIN and then has the cheek to tell me to be more positive. annette also told me that she had overheard a conversation of that bitch with alex and apparently she said i shouldn't 'make such a big fuss'. yeah, right. we had to take the photos twice before because she thought she looked FAT in most of them'. and now that we had to take pics again she still managed to complain about her appearance. hello? the pics will be shrinked so much she's lucky if she'll still be able to tell her gender by looking at them and they'll be printed in b/w. but i am making a fuss. right.
plus...i am NOT positive. i'm not a positive person. it is like that. deal with it, dammit. bah.

the rasmus - funeral song

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