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i hate...


and today's object of hate is: ebay.
or not necessarily the site/service itself as it's helped me to loads of cool stuff already.
i rather mean the people who use it. or most of them. i can't help it but think that most of them are too fucking stupid to get a job so they just go on ebay and sell stuff that shouldn't be sold. i don't mean illegal stuff as most of that gets deleted by the webmasters anyway. i mean people who buy for example 100 tickets for a gig and then sell it for ten times the usual price and because so many do it you have hardly any other choice than to pay those ridiculously high prices. or people who go to signings to sell the autographs on ebay. yes, currently this is mainly about placebo. but only because i looked for stuff related to them and found such auctions there. i suppose it's not better with other artists and it really makes me kinda sad. i'm not pathetic enough to say it's those people's fault i didn't get to meet the guys but hey, it's just not fair. not towards real fans and not towards the guys, either. i mean, if they knew that what they have signed thinking it makes the person happy is sold on ebay for the price of a small home a day later, they'd stop doing any promotion work right there. ok, they probably know it happens but i don't think they get to see the details. i mean as i said, the signing in cologne can't have been longer than 20 mins or something which means if 50 people actually get something signed that's a lot already. and i've seen at least 10 or 15 things being sold on ebay already. and if you ask me, that's just bloody sad. go get a fucking job if you need money.

on to happier topics...
i have to go to a kinda workshop on monday. on friday my boss asked wether i knew what wireless LAN is and as i do know, i told him so. so he said i should go to that workshop to get some more details and then i have to do the welcome manager job for the rest of the month and ask everyone if they know anything about wireless LAN and if they'd like more information and if they maybe want it for their home. it kinda sucks but i didn't really dare say no as i was told by our group leader AND by the boss himself how satisfied he is with my work and how i impress him and everything. and actually sending ME out of all of the workers to that workshop is a nice thing. it really makes me feel helpful and all. but still i don't really wanna do that job. welcome management is bad enough but usually you only have to do it for an hour or two. doing it the whole day doesn't seem like a nice thought to me. but it's only 7 days in total anyway. i guess hope i'll survive that.
markus annoyed the fuck out of me on friday. ok, the week's business was very bad and i know that annoys him. but hey, that's not my fault. a) i'm not a full worker and b) i had been away two days. so they really needn't blame me. but he always gets so pissy then. but i mean his list of the things he SHOULD sell in a week wasn't great but still the best of the team. i even let him add the mobile contract i made to his list. and all he said was 'you don't have an online bill, too, do you?' hello?! i needn't let you have anything, you prick! ok, screw that. most of the time i adore him. but quite often he ticks me off because he's like those geeks back at school who'd whine about their grades being so bad and then get an A or B for every exam anyway. he always whines about getting fired and all. but he always has the fullest lists and the company surely won't fire one of it's best sellers. a lot of his success has to do with asskissing, too, which makes me wanna punch him at times. uhm...yeah...

anyway, i think i'll go sleep now. i am tired because some twat called my fone this 'morning' at twelve. usually i wake up just about the right time for 'will&grace'.

OK GO - get over it

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