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sooo...i got a little bored and decided to make that loooong list of all the records i own. you can find it here.

i have to go to the european elections tomorrow. well, i don't HAVE TO but i feel i should. i dunno who or what to vote for, though. i took this test the other day where they asked you questions like "do think this and that is a good thing?" or "would you support...?" and based on your answers, they told you who you should vote for. but i dunno...the problem is that currently there's nothing i completely agree with. for example when it comes to foreign people. i'm all pro-checking who comes here and what they want and why they wanna live here but every party that supports this is automatically al anti-foreign people in general. oh well...maybe i'll just hand in an empty card...

the first three days at work were...weird. mrs r. wasn't there monday and tuesday and mrs b. took care of us for that time. it was so much cooler. mrs b. is way funkier and she let us do much more on our own. but that also meant a lot of work because she isn't too familiar with all the recruiting work, either. and on tuesday we had a recruiting test which we had to help her with. on wednesday my fellow-apprentice and i took our things and went to another room because mrs r. was back and there's only a desk for one of us and i didn't want her to sit in another room all by herself. so we sat in this huge room which is actually a teaching room for 20+ people but we had it all to ourselves. and once again, i noticed how much of an idiot my actual boss is. all the time, i thought we couldn't pull the shades down because she said the company who owns the building has to do it for the entire building and blah. i complained about it a little to mr o. the other day and he told me that it was complete bullshit and actually told me he thought mrs b. (my boss) isn't all that clever. ha! but it was still shit-hot on wednesday, so the �ber-boss with the super-powers let everyone go home at 2 instead of 4.
one thing that freaked me out, though, was that it must have seemed like i was trying to make myself look better than the other apprentice. i couldn't help it. for example when mrs b. asked why we had changed rooms on wednesday, i said i didn't want her to sit around all alone and mrs b. was all "aww, that's so sweet of you". and several other incidents like that happened, too, which made me feel all squeazy cos i wasn't trying to be better or anything. sometimes, i actually shut up and waited for the other one to sissy (the other one) to say something, so she'd get the credit, but she just wouldn't damn reply, so i had to say something to break the horrible silence. in the end, i felt so bad i offered to drive her home...even though it's not that much of an effort as it doesn't really make a difference whether i pass her home or not.

so...i went to see harry potter last sunday. was anyone else a bit disappointed? it wasn't like the book at all. well, that's too much, maybe. but it didn't have the feel of the book. the whole...castle and surroundings didn't look like i imagined him and i heard from several people that it was the same with them. also, in the book, it seems like must things happen inside of hogwarts while in the film, they spent so much time walking around outside. hmpf! the new dumbledore's perfect, though. much the opposite to sirius, whom i didn't expect to look like that at all. pah!

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