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have a nice day


today was a nice day. like really nice. which was surprising. i wasn't feeling well the past few days. headache, you know. so, yesterday, i went crazy about it and took five aspirin. not at once but not with much time between them, either. and somehow an overdose of aspirin always makes me feel like i'm coming down with a flu. you know, feverish, hot and cold, shaky...just generally sucked out.
but yesterday i had also promised my mum to go see the gathering with her and i didn't want to confess having taken too many painkillers. nor did i want to pretend to be seriously ill because she'd have sent me to the doctor. so we still went to see the film. first, it really seemed like a crap idea because going out when you're feeling like i was feeling is always a crap idea. but the film was really good and i was feeling pretty well. afterwards we even went to get some food from mcdonald's which was much appreciated because i hadn't eaten much all day, so i was very hungry but still couldn't bring myself to eat until then.

when we got home (or wanted to go home) all hell had broken lose. because there's this harbour fest thingie going on here at the moment. there's basically a funfair, some band playing and fireworks where they also pour sparkling and 'burning' liquid down the bridge so it looks like it's burning. well, we live almost directly at the river bank so everyone comes here to see it. but this year, they really kind of flipped. it happens about every second year here but i can't remember that things have ever been that messed up before. we even had to take a longer way because the street that leads directly to our home was closed by the police. and i was glad we had taken my mum's car because i wouldn't have found a parking lot anymore and most likely i'd still be driving round and round until i find one. actually, people are still driving around outside though the fireworks ended an hour ago. but it's fun to laugh at them for being stupid enough to go through all this trouble for some fireworks that weren't even THAT great. rather average, i'd say. i took some piccies with my digicam (wouldn't have wasted a film on it if i had to get it processed) and they turned out alright, i guess. maybe i'll put some up here because golden sparkles are always nice.

uh...i'm feeling a little like throwing up now. bet you wanted to know that. but it's really bah. especially because i can't just go to the bathroom and wait what happens because there's this disgusting spider. it's right above the toilet which is like the worst place a spider ever decided to live at. if it was above the fridge or so i'm sure i could manage not getting near it but the toilet...

so...uh...i'll just go to bed now. not that i'd be able to sleep because i went to bed at 8pm the past two nights. but i'm still feeling a bit shitty and sleep always helps.

ps: the title is highly sarcastic because while driving to school on friday i had a car in front of me that had a bumper sticker which read 'have a nice day!' WANKER! the last thing i wanna see when i just got out of bed and am grumpy like hell is something reading 'have a nice day'. yeah, right. have a fucking nice day, idiot! *pouts*

matchbox twenty - unwell

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