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bored? me? never!


yes, that's right, i got myself a spanking new template. or at least i think that's what it is. i know it looks shit on 800x600 because i tested it but no one...absolutely no one should be using 800x600 anymore, anyway. and if you are: well, too bad! i hope there isn't anything else i didn't think of that could screw this up on other PC's, though. like...different browser settings or something. it's the first time i tried making a template like this and it could well be completely fucked now. i'm in love with the design, anyway. *proud smile* and yes, maja, it IS AFI again...well, davey.
oh, btw, if it does look shit on your comp and you're using 1024x768, please tell me, so i can either work on it or get rid of if. or maybe even tell me what you think could be done about it. uh....yeah.

i'm also very much in love with my new stereo. yup, i got a new one. it was a spontaneous thing seeing as my old one kind of died two nights ago. well, it didn't die, it is more or less working. but it takes ages until it recognises a CD and even longer til it plays the CD without terrible scratching noises. and when i go to bed in the evenings, i don't fancy spending 10-15 minutes just arguing with my stereo. also, when i put it on repeat, it sometimes just won't repeat the CD. it plays it through and when going back to the beginning it starts the good old "there is no CD inside me"-thing again. and i usually wake up when the music stops in the middle of the night, so yeah...before i go crazy, i thought i'd rather go and get a new one. it's one of those spanking, silver, posh-looking mini-stereos with a 3 CD-changer. exactly what i wanted. i could have gotten a 5 CD-changer for less money but it was too big and would crashed my cheap ikea CD-rack it's supposed to sit on, so yeah...the result was that i spent about 50� more than i had planned/wanted to but now for the first time i have a stereo that i really love and that i am fully content with. usually it was like "yeah, it looks shit/has shit quality/sucks but it plays my CDs, so whatever". now i am seriously planning to find a country where it is legal to marry your stereo.

tomorrow is gonna kill me. it's christmas eve (no, really? haha) and my mom's all christmas-y. she says she isn't but i know that's not true. she put up the tree today and she's humming christmas songs and she was so eager for me to put the old stereo up in the living room which means she's gonna put on christmas songs tomorrow. god forbid.

uh...yeah, i think i'll finish watching that funky little documentary now and then go to bed. isn't my life exciting? it's almost a rockstar life, i tell you...

jimmy eat world - sweetness

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