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work. loads of work.


i got my school stuff today. and i am shocked. it was this HUGE box with about 30 book-kinda thing with exercises and all sorts of shit. it looks kinda scary. and there was also so much info-stuff. i spent ages reading it all and it made me feel dizzy. it's ok, though. i'll start working on it tomorrow. actually i have time til the 15th cos that's when my studies officially start but starting early won't hurt, right?
i'll also subscribe for the online study center tomorrow. it doesn't actually cost me anything and it's not hard but i don't feel like doing this now, really...

i am pretty much dead now. i went to bed very late last night because i had to work on deep-obsession a little. i thought it would be ok because i only had to work on our project a little today and then sit through that meeting thingy and listen to what those peeps had to tell us and go home early at around 2. but nope, our group leaders actually said we had to stay til 3.30 and then they let us start planning those introduction days for the new apprentices who'll start in september. but because huge parts of our team were busy with a LAN-party project we were only 6 people. benny kept running around doing nothing which reduced to group to 5. and we basically spent the time scratching each other's eyes out because melanie (the other one) was pissing us off with her 'you're all so immature' attitude...
but afterwards annette, jacqueline and me drove to a mcdrive and actually amused ourselves by ordering happy meals, taking ages to choose toys and telling the guy about 5 times that the food was for take-away. we actually laughed like idiots because he went 'which toys would you like with your happy meals?' though it was one of those mcdrives where you talk to the staff directly through a window and he saw how old we were. and then there was a duck running around the place and i was trying to tell him what we wanted but jacqueline kept pulling my sleeve going like 'look, a duck. a duck. there is a duck' and i'm sure the guy thought we were completely pissed or stoned or both. it was very cool and amusing, though.
AND our project leader decided that we'll spend another day working on the project on thursday which is awesome because there's not much left to do. we will probably go home at around 2 then and friday's off, monday, too and then i'll only work for 4 days and then i'm off to malta. whoo.

oh, and the other good news are: i am now officially the owner of a 20th century boy CD. hahaaaa. *is happy*

right, and now i'll go off cos i'll have to get up early tomorrow to wash my hair before work...

savage garden - promises

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