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yey. i can finally update. i couldn't sleep last night and wanted to write a little entry about how anxious and nervous i was. unfortunately (or probably not) diaryland wasn't working. oh well...

so, the first day is over and i am knackered. if this entry suddenly stops mid-sentence or it's full of nask00UJLNAASDJJPPAJDS etc... i probably fell asleep. it wasn't really exhausting or anything but i only slept for 2...well, 3 hours last night. well, actually, i slept a bit here and there. first in the afternoon for a few minutes, then from...dunno...i think i fell asleep at around 12am tho i was in bed around 9pm. and i woke up at precisely 12.46am. and after hours and hours of reading, listening to music, watching tv shows i finally fell asleep around 6am and was woken up again at 8am. interesting, huh?

well, what can i say? it was...ok. at least i know two people whom i'll probably hang out with. one of them sucks because she's showing off all the time but oh well... it's also a bit...dunno, i feel weird. i don't really wanna go there again. everyone there seemes so pretty and posh and all. they sooo didn't seem like me. but i dunno. after all, it was a celebration thingie. tomorrow, we'll be led around and all and i'll see if they're really that posh and everything.

but i am way too knackered to write more now. i think i'll use the opportunity and go to bed so i can finally sleep. sounds like a plan...heh.

placebo - without you i'm nothing

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